Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Final Post

When I first entered this class I was not sure how much I really knew about computers. I thought I would know enough to where I would not get anything out of this class but once the class began I quickly realized I was wrong. I did not really understand how to use Excel and I thought that it was pointless to learn. After learning how much help Excel can offer you (as a teacher) I began to think differently. Excel is a great grade book for keeping students grades up to date and in order. The program lets you figure out the average of all the grades for one test as well as gives you the maximum and minimum averages. I also never knew about podcasts. I did not think that they would ever be any use to me but now that we have done them in class and learned about them I understand what they are used for and I have a new appreciation for them. I also never realized just how much information was on the internet to help teachers. I was assigned to investigate and what I found astounded me. Teachers from all over gave fun different ways to help my future students learn! Another thing I found very interesting was everything Google can do for you. I could not believe that there was a PowerPoint presentation! I found that so interesting because even if there are no programs on your computer as long as you have internet you can still make a PowerPoint presentation. I am sure that if I would not have taken this class I would never know that. I really did get a lot out of this class that I am confident will be very useful for me to use in the future. I do not know of anything that I was not introduced to during this semester. I feel more comfortable as well as confident when it comes to the computer and I can gladly thank Mr. Wakeman for that!

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